Are you looking for a new bed?

Be well prepared with our checklist.

The purchase of a new bed is an investment in a good night's sleep, and with that an investment in a healthy and energetic life. But what should you pay attention to when looking for a new bed and how do you best prepare? You can always consult our specialists in the store for personal sleeping advice, but a checklist can help you to be prepared in the search for your ideal bed.

Know what you like and don't like so
much about your current bed.

How are you sleeping now? Is your mattress giving the right support or is it too hard or too soft? Do you wake up at night because you're too warm or too cold? This is useful information that will help the Auping consultant.

What I like :

  • 1
  • 2
  • 3

What I don't like:

  • 1
  • 2
  • 3


What is the difference between a box spring and a bed?

Box spring

A box spring is an extra high or double bed. It is actually a box spring base with a mattress on top, both are beautifully upholstered in the colour and fabric chosen by you and if desired may be completed with a top mattress. A box spring provides a large amount of comfort, because you not only have a comfortable mattress but also a sprung base. A good box spring base is made of a mesh base and pocket springs and provides give over the entire surface in combination with optimum ventilation.


A bed consists of a bed edge within it a base of your choosing, such as a mesh base. The mattress is placed on this base. The combination between base and mattress will determine the comfort. With mesh bases, the spiral has been turned into each other within a steel frame. The different zones give the correct pressure division and the open structure provides optimal ventilation.

Find out which type of mattress and bed base you are currently sleeping on and their dimensions.

When choosing a new bed, it is important that the mattress is 20 to 30 cm longer than yourself. This ensures enough room for your pillow. It is also important that you are advised about bed bases. A good support of your body is determined by the right combination of mattress, bed base and pillow.

The dimensions of my current mattress are:
I'm currently sleeping on a:
My mattress contains:

My personal checklist

  • Like
  • Don't like so much


A two person mattress can also offer 尊享舒適睡眠.

Two separate mattresses or a two person mattress?

It is of course pleasant to sleep on one mattress. Yet the support that your body needs during the night may differ per person. Body length, weight and personal preferences play a huge part in the choice of a suitable mattress. With this in mind, it still is possible to have one mattress.
There are two types of mattresses with two individually fine-tuned cores. There are different practical solutions to connect two loose mattresses and to bridge the uncomfortable crack in the middle, such as a top mattress, a mattress wedge (a lovers' bridge) and a special cover sheet.

Determine which part of your bed needs replacing

The purchase of a new bed is not always necessary. It is also possible to only replace certain parts such as the mattress (adjustable) bed base, top mattress, the pillow, duvet or bed textile.

  • Bed base
  • Pillow
  • Mattress
  • Duvet
  • Top mattress


Even at night adjustability can be nice

An adjustable bed or not?

Adjustability provides an enormous amount of comfort. Not just when you're awake but also during your sleep you may benefit from a bed that can be adjusted to different settings. Why would you choose an adjustable bed?

When you're asleep:
  • Provides for example more air when you have a cold;
  • Extra relaxation for legs and lower back;
  • Gives you the option to adjust your bed to your personal sleeping preferences;

When you're awake:
  • Watching TV relaxed or reading a book in bed;
  • Having a comfortable breakfast in bed;
  • Ease while breastfeeding (at night);
  • A boost in the back when getting up;
  • Easier to do up the bed;
  • Vacuuming under the bed/ box spring.

You've made your personal checklist!

Print out the checklist and take it to the store with you. The specialized consultants in our Auping stores would love to help you find the perfect bed, which is completely matched to your personal wishes. Take your time, you don't buy a new bed every week!

Be inspired and advised

Come in for the best advice, the newest collections and opportunity for a lay down test at an Auping store. You will find one in your area.

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Tips voor tijdens het bezoek aan Auping Plaza

1. Om echt te kunnen ervaren hoe een bed ligt, willen wij je adviseren om altijd even te gaan proefliggen.

Zorg er dan voor dat je loszittende kleding draagt zodat je comfortabeler ligt en kies daarnaast een kussen dat past bij hoe je slaapt. Neem tijdens het liggen je favoriete slaappositie in, verander hierbij ook een aantal keer van houding. Dit doe je ‘s nachts namelijk ook, gemiddeld 35 keer. Het is dus belangrijk dat je op je matras moeiteloos kan omdraaien. Let er bij het proefliggen wel op dat je uitgerust bent, want als je moe bent ligt elk bed heerlijk.

2. Laat je adviseren welke matras bij jouw lichaamsgewicht, lichaamsbouw en manier van slapen past.

Een goede matras heeft alles in huis om lekker op te slapen en fris en energiek wakker te worden. Maar wanneer ís een matras een goed matras? Er zijn een aantal punten dat je in de gaten kunt houden. De gespecialiseerde adviseurs zullen je hierin adviseren.

My personal checklist

Print out your checklist